2,517,340 SM Kreditek



Felhasználói nevek

A regisztráció során megadtál egy felhasználónevet. Ha ezt meg szeretnéd változtatni akkor menj az Account Settings-be. Annyiszor változtathatod meg amennyiszer csak akarod.

Please note that the Code of Conduct states the following regarding usernames:

  • Belonging to another person with the intent to impersonate that person;
  • Referring to and/or trying to impersonate Soccer Manager or any of its products, including the SMFA;
  • That incorporates vulgar language or which are otherwise offensive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
  • Related to drugs, sex, alcohol, or criminal activity.
If Soccer Manager finds such a name to be offensive or improper, it may, in its sole and absolute discretion, change the name, and take the appropriate action against and/or suspend your account.