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Mi ösztönöz engem megtartani az egészséges egyensúlyt?
A klubok nem tudnak játékosokat vásárolni ha a klub egyensúlya tartozásban van.

Ha pénzügyi problémáim vannak, kapok támogatás a szezon közben?
Nem feltétlenül, de az Elnök a rendelkezésedre bocsájt mindig annyit, hogy biztosítsa azt, hogy a csapatod összértéke (készpénz plusz játékosok értéke) soha ne legyen kevesebb mint a bajnokság átlagos csapatáénak 50%-a.

How can I get my club out of debt?
By selling players. The Chairman will always restructure your clubs debt to ensure it is not bigger than the total value of your players, so you always have players on hand to sell to get out of debt.

If my club is in debt will it go into administration?
If a club is in debt, then they will not enter into administration nor will they be forced to declare bankruptcy.

If I am in debt will I receive help?
If your club is in debt then you should review your finances and make the necessary changes in order to reduce your debt.

When will my balance change during transfers?
Your balance won't be changed until the transfer is done and dusted.

What if I make multiple transfer offers which are more than my balance?
Your balance won't be changed until the deal is done and dusted, so if you have made deals more than your balance will allow then some of the deals will collapse when they are processed.

Tehetek magasabb átigazolási ajánlatot mint amennyi pénzem van?

Will the value of a player in a part exchange deal impact on my balance?
If a club buys or sells a player and no money is involved then this will not impact on your balance.

When do I receive my prize money?
At the end of each season you will receive prize money from the SMFA dependent on your final league position. You could also receive prize money during the course of the season if you have won one of the domestic or SMFA cup competitions.

How do I increase my club's income other than selling players?
The better your club performs in the league and cup the more money you will gain from gate receipts and merchandise as fans are more likely to come and support you.

How do I increase my club's TV money?
About 50% of a league's income during a season is generated from TV money. It is divided up equally between all clubs in the league, big and small and irrespective of their success and therefore it cannot be increased.

How do I pay my player's wages?
Each turn your club will be required to pay your players wages regardless if you have a match or not and this is done automatically by your Chairman.